Saturday, March 2, 2013

Frosty February Melting

February, the shortest month of the year, is full of many magical happenings.   I have always considered this month to be the month for lovers.  Not only because of Valentine’s Day observed mid-month, but by also noticing this is the time of year when nature starts to become a little gentler, a little softer, even during its snow storms.  The outside world begins to soften up a little bit, as do our hearts as we long for the arrival of spring.

We had many inches of snowfall this month and may be why our ancestors named February’s full moon the Full Snow Moon.  February has definitely earned its full moon name this year by blessing us with a mighty snow day at the very end of the month.  Out here in Saukville, and north of us in Sheboygan County, we received a good 10-12 inches here and some Sheboygan Counties reported nearly two feet of the stuff!

In the olden days by this time of winter, many people began to have very empty cellars and cupboards.  All the produce, meat, and dairy products strategically grown, harvested and put up during the growing months would nearly be all used up.  Unfortunately and fortunately, in our house, the opportunity to grow our own produce was a much needed blessing.  Supplementing our garden, farm pickings, community shared agriculture (CSA) share, and my husband’s fishing and hunting bounty; all were nearly able to sustain us for most of the cold months.  The unfortunate part is that I did not estimate our food needs just right and now need to depend on our local food store and some grocery stores to keep us fed until the green world emerges again. The past year’s growing months had definitely been a learning experience.

It’s nearly the first of March as I write this entry.  As I sit near our living room window, looking out by the trees and bird feeders, I heard the first robin call of the year.  I take the robins song as my queue to begin my garden planning shortly. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Winter December/January

So far it’s been an interesting winter. In December we had our first winter storm of the season. The West Bend area reported 16 inches of snow! Since that storm, we have experienced ranging temperatures anywhere from 10 below to today’s high of 59 degrees in Port Washington. While on a winter hike this afternoon, I kept feeling warm breezes blowing in from the west and icy mist breezes coming off of Lake Michigan.

It is strange to hear robins singing in late January. I also heard water running all through Lions Den Gorge on my hike and could not help but sing with the robins a sacred chant:

The river is flowing
Flowing and growing
The river is flowing
Down to the sea

Mother carry me
Your child I will always be
Mother carry me
Down to the sea

A fresh water sea, that is. I followed the bluff trail down the winding path through the gorge all the way to the beach. Even with all the movement of the water rushing down the gorge and the crashing waves of Lake Michigan, most of forest was still fast asleep in winter’s embrace. In fact, the songs of birds and the rushing water were the only sounds I heard. The moss on the west side of the cedar trees was bright green and lush, though chilly to the touch, its soft and vibrant green warmed my spirit with the promise of spring.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Boos and Blood

For the months of October and November I have decided to lump the two together this year.   October was such a wonderfully busy month.  Autumn, in the language of trees, began to speak the final weeks of September and the vast wooded hills and flats of the area reached their color peak the weekend of October thirteenth.

October is such a charming time of year.  Pumpkins, spooky cornfields, and a few frosty mornings are all token October goodies to experience.  October is the month of Samhain and Halloween.  There are so many wonderful and different traditions observed during this month and all revolve around remembering our ancestors.  Samhain also marks the Pagan New Year and great works of transformation and ideas are developed during this time of year.

The gray squirrel and 13-stripped ground squirrels were very busy this month; running to and fro from ground to tree.  It was often fun to watch two squirrels battle it out on a big tree branch outside our living room window.  Deer are now the color of wet tree bark.  They no longer stand out of the wild greenery of the forests, like graceful sandstone-colored figurines.  They blend into the darkening of the woods now.  Unless they move, they are difficult to see.

Now it’s November, the third month of the “ber” months and that means the occasional snow shower, frosty mornings become the norm, and the pre-rut is upon us!  The men in my family already seem to be frothing at the mouth in anticipation of Deer Camp towards the end of the month.  This is a very old tradition for the men in my family and this year is my husband’s initiation into the manly man world of the ol’ Deer Hunter’s Camp way up in northwoods of the state.  I wonder if there are any bets in place, yet.

Slowly the deer are more visible, rather than spending all of their time in the woods grazing and caring for the young.  Now the young are strong.  No more spots.  The does have urged the young deer out on their own.  The few deer we have started to see are still getting fattened up on the cornfield remains.  The crazed, horned beasts are not doe crazy just yet, but its right around the corner, and remain elusive until they just can’t help themselves and have to come out of the woodwork to find the does.  The occasional geese arrow can still fly above, but they are becoming far less than the large migrating flocks of October.

In the coming weeks, may you and your families be blessed during the wild hunt and may your freezers become full!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

September is finally here!  We have entered into the four fall-time months.  In September we are blessed with so many beautiful changes.  We harvest and prepare foods to be stored for the coming fall and winter months.  We celebrate the first day of autumn, also known as Mabon, and we give our thanksgivings for our bountiful harvests.

Things are different this time of year.  The green of the plants begin to wither and turn brown. The trees in this area of the state started turning their leaves late August.  On Mabon, I visited an area apple orchard.  While visiting with the farmer, he brought to my attention what a difficult year it’s been with the drought over the summer.  His apples were far fewer than previous years, but damn they were delicious! Canadian geese are everywhere now.  Late afternoon near sundown, the geese move about in huge flocks and their honking about in the diminishing sunlight is a delight to experience.

The morning bird, the goldfinch, is gone from the scene and now the crow is out and about at sunrise; strong and black on tree tops and in area fields.  It warms my heart on chilly mornings to see and hear these black birds, cackle and crow about. 

Lake Michigan has developed a crisp deep blue hue over the past few weeks.  Our sunrise is now at about 06:55 hrs and sundown is nearly at 1800 hrs.  With less sunlight to warm us, we are having cooler days and even cooler nights.  The cool air blowing through the area this month is also cooling down the temperature of the lake, creating the crisp deep blue ocean effect. 

Many area cornfields have already been harvested. Soon after the corn dried this year, the leaves of trees burst into beautiful green, yellow, orange, red, and purple bouquets. Drying the corn has always fascinated me deeply and after watching the cycle of corn over the years, I can understand why the Maya worshiped corn’s cousin known as maize.  The energy of a cornfield throughout the summer months gives off such strength, as it stands so strong and sturdy, and once it begins to dry, that strong sturdy energy makes way for an overwhelming sense of the summer season ending.  Within two to three weeks, the corn plant that was once a deep dark lush green begins to turn yellow and then brown and dry and crispy to the touch.  The Maya followed this change, too, and for me, my gatherer instincts kick in high gear at this point, and it’s time to freeze, can, jam and jelly my way into fall. 

The Town of Erin is nearly at its peak color right now and within two weeks you may miss this beautiful display autumn!  Don’t delay!  Pack a picnic lunch and head to Holy Hill where you can hike through trails which connect to the Ice Age Trail or climb the stairs of Holy Hill’s Scenic Tower where you will discover a breath taking view of much of the southeastern area of the state.  On a clear day you can see Milwaukee from the top of the tower!  No worries if hiking ain't your thang.  A leisurely drive through the winding roads of the Town of Erin will give you a delightful view, too.  Don’t forget to stop and picnic beneath the red and yellow maples at one of the picnic areas of Holy Hill, like my younger sister and niece and I did just yesterday.  Chilly autumn blessings to you all! Have a blast!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

A shift in the air.

There's been a shift in the air.  Have you felt it, too?  August 1st is the time of year many nature religions celebrate the year's first harvest.  There are three harvest festivals during the old Wheel of the Year.  August 1st, September 21st, and October 31st, each with its own many names; but all involve harvesting.  A nearby farmer grew oatstraw this summer and harvested his bountiful, golden crop the day before August 1st. August 1st in our household was spent harvesting sweet corn, tomatoes, and green beans.

Sunrise is nearly a half hour later now.  Darker mornings, darker days. Wonderful amounts of rain have fallen in the past two weeks creating a beautiful rolling morning mist almost daily here near the lake.  It is breathtaking to wake just at dawn and see the area fields covered in a low misty fog.

Possibly due to this summer's drought, many species of trees are beginning to go dormant for the season.  Young maples are turning bright orange and yellow, as are the paper birch with yellow leaves. Some of the prairies in the area are just starting to dry, which in years past I've come to discover this is normal time for the prairies to begin their decline.  Starting closer to the earth, their tall green stems are browning.  On the cooler mornings there has been a slight hint of autumn smell left in the prairies and fields after the fog.

Summer is getting old now.  We were blessed with a few cooler than normal days, and I'm afraid those days and crisp nights ruined us Autumn People for the remaining summer weeks.  Fall fever is in full force upon me now!  A few apple stands have popped up here and there.  Soon it will be time to pick apples to make delicious home-made apple butter, sauce and cider!

With the summer coming to a close over the next couple of weeks, we'll be gathering more fruits and vegetables from area farms to freeze and use in the coming fall and winter months.  Turkey and deer hunting is also right around the corner and the city's archery ranges are busy nearly every early evening as hunters and huntresses get ready for the wild hunt.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Across from the "black" trail.

Have you ever wandered through a pine wooded forest?   In the heat of midsummer I head to Glacier Hills County Park as often as possible.  There at the park, which is tucked in the rolling hills of the Town of Erin and very close to the towering and very beautiful basilica of Holy Hill, you will discover many deep wooded trails.   Follow the trail directly across from the "black" trail--the "blue" trail.

Depending on where you begin this trail, you will eventually come to the tamarack forest portion of the trail, which you cannot miss, since the "blue" trail takes you right through the middle of the tamarack forest and all its dark, spooky glory.  The atmosphere with the tree’s piney canopy of soft needles creates a cool soothing and blissfully dark trail to hike, especially on a cloudy day during a heat wave.  Upon walking up to the forest line take notice of what you hear.  There is a distinct change of worlds when walking from prairie into pine forest.  I compare it to exploring an abandoned house.  Once inside, it is very dark compared to the outside and just like an abandoned house, a pine wooded forest is an entity in and of itself.  After you’ve past the threshold between the outside and inside of the forest, all sound is muted from the prairie, much like the walls  inside of an abandoned house mute whats going on outside. Being inside the labyrinth of trees directs all your senses inward.  Pay attention to your step.  What is beneath your feet?  A soft bed of needles and crumbly wet, rotting tree limbs cradle each step you take.  It is as though you are walking through an old carpeted room.  What if you step off the hiking trail and meander through the darker spaces between the trees? Notice the closeness of the trees; notice how close you are to the trees now?  Watch out for that mushroom growing from beneath the needles.  Careful of the spider web sparkling in the small ray of sunlight shining through a hole in the tree canopy.  Now you hardly hear your steps through the woods, but what else do you hear?    Do you howling, singing, maybe both, perhaps?  This is where the spookiness comes in.  In a house you are unfamiliar with, that has been left to crumble and fall, hearing a small creak behind you from some dark corner and your mind can run amuck.  Depending on what time of day you choose to visit, which I choose to visit in the early morning when there is often still fog rolling though the forest's shadowy walls, you may hear the howling wind through the tops of the very tall trees.  The howling wind through the tops of the trees cause the tops of the trees to slide against each other creating an eerie creaking and cracking, which some us find delicious to listen to.  Add the dark forest howling wind and a thick rolling fog and some may find it a bit too much to be off-trailing.  Stick to the trail if you must.

 If you have the opportunity to visit this park on a weekday instead of during the weekend, please do, since many people visit on weekends.  If you plan on going off-trailing and you are there during on a weekday, there is still one more adventure to try while in the tamarack forest.  Once you have tired of losing yourself amongst the trees, sit down, or better yet, lay down between the rows of trees and look up.  Look around you.  What are you feeling now?  The first time I tried this was on a whim since that morning had been so peaceful and being tired of wandering around, I decided to sit down and then decided to lie down.  As I lay there, meditating on the experience of the gloomy forest and all its deliciousness, my skin began to crawl as I suddenly heard something cracking through the nearby prairie wood line.  I stayed still and listened. Through the trees and out of the fog I saw ... a doe and her fawn completely unaware of me.  You thought I was going to say I saw a ghost, didn't you?  Sorry.  That’s not to say you won’t, though.  You never know!  This tamarack wood has seen a thing or two. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Produce is in abundance!  Beets, carrots, potatoes, and many other fresh and locally grown herbs and vegetables are available at farm stores and farmer’s markets this time of year.  Among the local farm grown foods, there are also many wild edibles, either ready or almost ready for harvest.   One example of a wild edible currently available for picking are wild red/black raspberries.  Although wild raspberries are an invasive plant species, for the wild forager, it is wonderful surprise to come upon a wild raspberry patch since there are typically many berries to pick! The tiger lilies are also in full bloom.  Be quick though, the blooming season is nearly over for these beauties.  Soon you will only be able to find a fresh bloom here and there.  One summertime dessert I enjoy foraging for is the tiger bloom wild raspberry surprise.  

“Tiger Bloom Wild Raspberry Surprise”

Makes 2-4 servings

4 just picked tiger lily blooms
4 tablespoons of your favorite yogurt –very chilled.
10-12 wild raspberries

Remove stamens from the bloom and also making sure flower is free of insects. The flower’s center should be clean and hollow.  Place in fridge until ready for dessert. 
Take out washed, air-dried raspberries from the refridgirator.  Also, take the yogurt out at this time.  On a pretty dish, place a tiger lily bloom.  Tea plates work wonderfully for these delicate treats. Dab a tablespoon full of your yogurt of choice into the center of the bloom. Place a wild raspberry in the center of the yogurt inside the bloom.  Lay flower gently onto plate.  Arrange a few more raspberries on the plate. Repeat with remainder of ingrediantes.  Serve immediately.  Enjoy!

*Plan on picking the tiger blooms very close to dinnertime to keep the blooms from wilting too much, or cut flower with a few inches of stem still attached and place in a cup of water in fridge.
**As for picking any type of wild edible, first make sure you have identified the plant properly.  Also, the plant edible should never be gathered from a roadside or other polluted area. (You are what you eat.) Check the plant for insect infestation or any other parasitic destruction or withered-looking leaves or stems.  Choose a very healthy, vital green plant instead.

Goldfinches have started mating now.  The cicada insects are out and singing the song of summer.  We are still in very need of rain.  The grass in this the southeastern area of the state has gone dormant due to lack of rain.  The Kettle Moraine area seems greener, however.  On my many bike trips around the Ozaukee County area, I have noticed some crop fields are doing well, others, are too dry and look in bad shape.  I am still hoping for rain.

Nature's summertime vegetable, the milkweed, is in bloom and some are currently growing their young seed pods.  In a about two weeks, pods will be ready for harvest.  There are many misconceptions of the milkweed, one example is that the plant is poisonous to humans.  I collect the young pods no more than 1.5 inches in length from the common milkweed plant this time of year.  I like to add a handful or so of the pods to stir-fry and collect a few handfuls, clean and freeze to use in the coming months. 

Staghorn sumac's fruit is almost ready to harvest.  A heavy rain is needed for all green and wild things.