Saturday, April 21, 2012

Podophyllum peltatum or common name "mayapple"

Young mayapple plant

Mayapple also know as Adam's Apple, American mandrake, umbrella plant, etc.

This morning I enjoyed a sunny hike along the trails at Harrington Beach State Park.  The temperature near Lake Michigan was about 53 degrees.  The week prior was rainy and windy, so I made sure to get out today and explore and see what all the rain had brought about in the woods.   It was a sheer pleasure to begin my hike with the spotting of  mayapple plants sprouting and growing in abundance in the sunny, moist undercover of cedar and birch trees.  From the time I was a little child, the sighting of the first mayapples of the year was always an enchanted one.  To this day,  I still imagine plant faery folk lounging beneath the umbrella-shape plants.

The mayapple was not the only delightful sight I discovered today.   I can't help but feel that I was not the only creature feeling cooped up this past week due to the very cold winds and rain.  It seemed like all plants and animals were getting out to enjoy the heat of the sun and fresh air.  During my hike I discovered a chipmunk sitting just outside of his underground hole.  Robins were out, picking in the grassy areas for worms and insects.  Two male cardinals must have been showing off for a female, though I didn't see her anywhere.  The two very bright red males were flying back and forth in the trees causing a big scene near Quarry Lake.  

Many edible plants are up.  One such plant is the dandelion.  The dandelion is a much disliked weed by many, but the nutritional value of this herb packs a tremendous healing and fulfilling punch!  The dandelion can be found just about anywhere and has iron, vitamins A and  E, calcium and potassium among several others nutrients.  Every part of the plant is edible.  I like to collect the yellow flowers and greens of the plant and add them to fresh salads.  The root of the plant makes an excellent noncaffeinated substitute for coffee.  When roasted and brewed like a tea infusion,  the dark roasted dandelion root tea with fresh creme and honey is more delicious than any coffee I've tasted!  The flowers of the dandelion can be collected and used to brew dandelion wine, as well.  When used externally, the juice of the flower and greens are excellent for clearing up acne.  Garlic mustard and wild watercress are also up.

It's Earth Day weekend.  There are so many wonderful events and benefits happening this weekend in honor of our planet Earth, but if you can't make out to one of these events, a simple neighborhood walk outdoors, taking the kids to a park, riding bikes, or  having a barbecue will get you out and enjoying the fresh air and Mother Earth if you're not really the outdoorsy type.  Happy Earth Day, everybody!